
1,500+ live radio channels

no layover ads

32 music/talk genres

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iOS (coming soon), Android, & Fire devices

Why choose Ninja Beats

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1,500+ Channels

No more dealing with 3 or 4 channels in your preferred genre

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32 categories

Enjoy music/talk from 32 different genres, most with dozens of stations

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No Layover Ads

We don't bombard you with any additional ads

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Device Support

We have dedicated apps for Android & Fire devices. Use at home or on the go

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No Tracking

We don't create any data logs, & we don't track cookies

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Create playlists for your favorite stations &/or genres. Also track recent selections

Get Started With Ninja Beats Radio

If you want to stream radio at home or on the go, we have you covered. With over 1,500 channels in 32 different genres, rest assured you can find the music or talk radio you want to listen to. With no layover ads, skip the constant music breaks & just enjoy your tunes!

Get Ninja Beats today & start listening to the best radio from across the world

Get setup & running in just a few minutes